Bank guarantee

美 [bæŋk ˌɡærənˈtiː]英 [bæŋk ˌɡærənˈtiː]
  • 银行保函;银行保证函;银行担保
Bank guaranteeBank guarantee
  1. Bank Guarantee presented itself to meet the demand of the development of modern economic trade .


  2. Chapter Two : The Risks Confronted by Both Parties Involved in Bank Guarantee .


  3. There is no evidence that the government tried to abuse the bank guarantee .


  4. It makes a classification of the various independent bank guarantee in business practice and analyzes its functions in international business .


  5. The standby letter of credit is quite different from bank guarantee and commercial documentary letter of credit in many aspects .


  6. All bids must be accompanied by a bid bond or bank guarantee of two per cent of total bid price .


  7. It then discusses the independent principle of independent bank guarantee as well as its fraud exception in the third and fourth parts .


  8. The bank guarantee transaction mainly involves the Principal , the Guarantor and the Beneficiary , forming three independent legal relations .


  9. In order to control international trade risk effectively , a new form of bank guarantee which is independent of underlying transactions has come into being .


  10. Proportionate reductions of the Bank Guarantee will be made on delivery of each DHCS .


  11. There are three methods of construction guarantee : guarantee , hypothecate , earnest money , the bank guarantee will become the leading mode .


  12. The Bank Guarantee should be valid until the agreed dates of delivery , or as may be extended through agreement by both parties .


  13. We require that at the signature of the technology transfer agreement , you will provide us with the bank guarantee for the transfer of all payments .


  14. So far western countries have accumulated a large amount of fraudulent cases of bank guarantee ; fraud has become an important field of study on bank guarantee .


  15. Banks widely use bank guarantee in practice in China , while there are no laws and regulations about bank guarantee and there is no in-depth research on fraud in China .


  16. Bondholders get securities backed by loans that stay on banks ' books and carry a bank guarantee , and they are protected even in bankruptcy .


  17. Most wealth management products are sold with some form of bank guarantee , leading many investors to believe that the products are in effect risk-free , despite the often high promised yield .


  18. In such circumstance , especially in oil or container transportation , the carrier may have to deliver the cargo against a letter of indemnity or bank guarantee for many reasons .


  19. Our sellers are expected to raise an MT760 bank guarantee in respect of the value of our transaction because of the volume of purchase we normally make and the amount involved in payment .


  20. With the patent rights for impawn mark , obtaining financing for alleviating the fund pressure of the small and medium-sized enterprises ( SMEs ) in developing , optimizing the bank guarantee structure has the important significance .


  21. Issuance of covered bonds debt secured against pools of loans that carries an additional bank guarantee has also fallen and the total raised via asset-backed securities continues to be a fraction of pre-subprime crisis levels .


  22. The independent bank guarantee fraud occurs in the practice frequently , and there is no unified international relief measure , from the judicial practice to analyze the commonly used relief means , such as a court injunction , preservation measures command and Mareva ban .


  23. The fund can be constituted either by depositing the sum or by producing a bank guarantee or other guarantee , acceptable under the legislation of the contracting state where the fund is constituted , and considered to be adequate by the court or another competent authority .


  24. On The System Design Of Bank Mortgage Guarantee In The Way Of Hypothecation


  25. This means that the bank would guarantee payment even if your company is unable to pay .


  26. The establishment and effective operation of enterprise credit guarantee system depend on the positive cooperation between commercial bank and guarantee institution .


  27. The documentary nature of the payment conditions can fully displayed the independent nature of Bank Independent Guarantee in bank practice .


  28. Personal finance guarantee business because of personal needs , from security company to provide credit guarantees to obtain loans from the bank 's guarantee business .


  29. Since the 1970s , the system of Bank Independent Guarantee has supported various kinds of transaction and at the same time gained a rapid self-development .


  30. But the ECB could create what Morgan Stanley calls a temporary bank liquidity guarantee programme , a promise to make up for any private sector funding shortfall .
